Friday, August 30, 2013

Event Webcasting 101

Webcasting events include hosting the event and broadcast it over the Web. Thus, the term “event webcasting.” When you think of event webcasting, what comes to mind?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Enterprise Video Webcasts Best Practices

The phrase “a meeting of the minds” connotes the connection that occurs when people of varying opinions are able to find common ground. The group huddle – possibly a remnant of the tribal gathering around the primordial fire – is a time-honored vehicle for fostering such connections and consensus.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How Webcasting Brings Employees Together

While banning telecommuting is a drastic and widely unpopular move, it's not necessary. The same technological evolution that made telecommuting a mainstream option has also led to innovations that bring remote employees back together. Webcasting makes face-to-face interactions a simple matter of point, click, and smile.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Ways Technology Has Improved the World

For a company where employees are scattered around multiple locations -web conferencing is a great solution for a person-to-person meeting. For a company that has a large number of employees and has difficulties getting a message across to everyone -webcasting may be a great solution for broadcasting a presentation.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Enterprise YouTube Solutions

The emergence of enterprise YouTube channels is changing this. These are private YouTube-like systems that can be used for all sorts of corporate purposes such as training, documentation, and brainstorming.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How Video for Business Slashes Costs

While many enterprises restrict access to sites such as YouTube in an attempt to keep employees focused on doing their jobs, others have embraced video for business and encourage their employees to create and share videos with one another.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Comparison of Teleconferencing and Webcasting Technology

Technology makes it possible to collaborate with colleagues and customers from around the world using voice and video channels. Two of the more common choices are teleconferencing and webcasting technologies. Both have their advantages and are suitable for specific tasks.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Infographic: The Evolution of Business Video

In the last decade, the use of video in the enterprise has experienced explosive growth. The internet has fueled this growth, allowing for video to be hosted, archived, and distributed live or on-demand at a fraction of the cost of traditional video methods.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Emergence Of “Enterprise Youtube” Solutions

It was bound to happen: the emergence of enterprise “YouTube” solutions. While the antics of cute cats may dominate the original YouTube, enterprise YouTube solutions are designed for the business world – and they’re incredibly helpful.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How Do You Get Started in Webcasting

Webcasts are increasingly powerful tools for companies looking to strengthen their brand, reach out to new customers and markets, and launching products

Sunday, August 4, 2013

How to Make Your Business a Little Less in Debt to China

According to the prevailing conventional wisdom, we are currently in an economic crisis. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner pointed out the other day that Europe might seem to be skipping along compared to the US, but in fact they are about to fall butt first into a Vietnamese tiger trap. Now you, the small business owner, the large business owner, or the employee worried about getting laid off, are worried about going under, and the only people there to save you are the Chinese. Oh no – not Communists!